

Facebook ADS for Cleaning Business: The Ultimate Guide For Acquiring New Customers

Acquire new commercial cleaning

Facebook is an advertising goldmine if you’re looking to get more leads and grow your commercial cleaning business. With almost three billion monthly active users, Facebook offers your business a huge potential customer base.

But the vast platform’s audience shouldn’t dupe you into thinking that your cleaning company’s Facebook ads will automatically bring in more customers. 

After all, Facebook advertising isn’t as simple as slapping up a few posts and hoping for the best. You should thoroughly research and use effective Facebook ad strategies to succeed.

The goal should be to find the right audience for your commercial cleaning services and advertise to them cost-effectively.

Still interested in learning more about Facebook ads for cleaning businesses? Read on to learn more about these ads and how you can use them to increase your commercial cleaning customer base.


What Are Facebook Ads, and How Do They Work?

Facebook ads are messages and content that you pay to promote on the newsfeed or sidebar of Facebook pages. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad, makes a purchase, or sees your ad. The amount you pay is determined by your budget and the bid you set for your campaign.

How Facebook Ads Work

Facebook ads work by targeting specific groups of people based on factors like location, age, gender, education, interests, and language. When starting your campaign, it’s best to start with broad targeting and then refine it over time as you gather more data.

For example, if you run a commercial cleaning business, you can target people in the areas you serve using location targeting.

When starting your campaign, it’s vital to focus on broad targeting instead of over-targeting. With time and as you gather more data, you can refine the ads’ targeting options and make them more specific.

Facebook Ads Components

Understanding how Meta ads work also requires understanding the different components of Facebook ads. A complete Facebook ad contains the following:

Creative This is your ad copy and your ads’ visual content, such as images, videos, and carousels.
Placement Your placement is where your Facebook ads will show across the platform, such as on Facebook Messenger or newsfeed.
Targeting This component determines who will see your ads, such as people in a given location.
Budget Your budget dictates how much you’ll spend on each campaign.
Bid This is the amount you’re willing to pay for each ad interaction, such as a click or view.
Schedule This option allows you to set the timeframe for your Facebook Ads campaign. It could be when you want your ad to run or how long you want it to run for.

Benefits of Facebook Ads for Commercial Cleaning Business

Choosing Facebook ads for your commercial cleaning business can be incredibly beneficial for your business. Here are some advantages:

Reaching a Broader Audience

It’s hard to discuss the benefits of Facebook advertising without mentioning the billions of users active on the platform. Facebook ads allow you to reach a global audience and get your message in front of these people. You can even target people who don’t know about your brand yet.

With consistency, your advertising efforts will start to compound, attracting the attention of more Facebook users. Your ads will get more views and likes, and your website traffic will increase. As your Facebook audience increases, so will your lead generation.

Targeting the Right Audience

Facebook allows you to reach the people most likely looking for your commercial cleaning services through the platform’s targeting option. For instance, if you offer commercial cleaning services in Tampa Bay, you can target people in that area.

You won’t get that level of targeting when using traditional advertising platforms such as radio or TV. The major benefit of showing your ads to an audience that is more likely to convert is that you reduce your customer acquisition cost.

Making Retargeting Easy

Facebook ads also make it possible for you to retarget customers who have had some level of interaction with your brand. You can create ads targeting people who have visited your cleaning website, signed up for your newsletter, or interacted with some of your content. This helps bring back customers who are more likely to convert than a cold audience.

Powerful Insights and Analytics

Facebook Ads also provide powerful insights and analytics to help you measure the success of your ad campaigns. For example, you can check the number of impressions, clicks, and conversions each ad gets. This data helps you understand which ads are performing well and which need tweaking.


Suggestions on How To Make Facebook Ads Work for Your Commercial Cleaning Business

Now that you know the benefits of using Facebook ads for your commercial cleaning business, you should know how to make the ads work. Here are some suggestions on how to make your Facebook ads successful:

Make Your Message Clear

The last thing you want is an ad that confuses your viewers about the commercial cleaning services you offer. Get straight to the point and directly state what you’re offering.

An unclear ad copy will leave doubts in people’s minds. And can you blame them for ignoring your ad and scrolling to the next one? An unclear message also increases the chances of getting unqualified leads who will waste your marketing resources.

Create Images That Stand Out

With plenty of posts appearing in users’ news feeds, your ad should be able to grab the attention of viewers instantly. And the best way to get people’s attention is to use appealing images that will make people stop scrolling through their newsfeeds. Ensure your images are bold and brightly colored to get people to spend time on your ad.

If you have to include people in your ad images, ensure they reflect the type of people you are targeting. They should be happy and appear to enjoy your business’s services. The goal is to get the ad viewers excited about your commercial cleaning services and to take action.

Test Different Ad Formats

Facebook Ads also allow you to try out different ad formats such as carousels, videos, images, and stories. Each of these formats has its own pros and cons and can be used depending on what works best for your audience.

Testing different ad formats should allow you to determine which one will perform better with your target market. This is important for optimizing your campaigns and giving them the best chance of delivering the results you want.

Talk Directly to Your Audience

When writing the copy for your ads, use a conversational tone both in the ad title and copy. The tone will help you connect more effectively with your audience, whether you are looking for new accounts to clean, or new potential franchisees.

A good place to start is to use phrases like “you” or “your” to show viewers that you are talking to them. Such language helps you personalize your ad and make it seem more appealing. It convinces the audience that you understand their needs and can provide them with a solution.

Use Testimonials

Testimonials can be a great way to build trust in your commercial cleaning business. People love to read reviews from real customers, as it gives them an idea of what they can expect from your services.

Include customer testimonials in your ad copy and let people know that you are providing quality services backed by satisfied customers. You can include short videos of your clients talking about their experiences, their type of facility, and the specific services they got with your commercial cleaning services. The idea is to increase your ad’s authenticity since potential customers will be more likely to trust a service if they see it endorsed by real customers.

You can take this strategy a notch higher by linking the testimonial to a landing page where viewers can learn more about the client you feature in your ad. It could also link to a form that helps you capture more leads.

Have a Clear Call to Action

When creating your ad copy, there’s definitely something that you want your viewers to do. You don’t want them to view your ad and not take action. For a commercial cleaning business, it could be to call,  book an appointment, or get a free quote.

Your call to action should be clear and straightforward. Use phrases that are simple and easy for viewers to understand, like “Book Now” or “Get a Quote.” Make sure it stands out in the copy so people won’t miss it.


This is an example of what works best:

Screenshot 2023 04 05 160326
Source: Facebook Ads Library

Start Using Facebook Ads for Cleaning Business

Expanding your commercial cleaning business can be easily achieved by gaining new customers. To spread the word about your services, Facebook ads can be a highly effective tool.

If you’re not sure how to get started with Facebook advertising, let Cleaning in Motion assist you. Our team provides tailored services to both new and established cleaning companies, helping them reach a wider audience.

Book a consultation now to talk about your marketing goals and find out how we can support the growth of your cleaning business. You can also check out our book to discover how Facebook ads and other sales and marketing strategies can bring in more leads.

Facebook ADS for Cleaning Companies FAQs.

How do I advertise my cleaning business on Facebook?

  • Be sure to have your Business Page properly set up.
  • Understand everything we have listed in this article so you don’t waste your money
  • Prepare a budget you will be willing to spend on this strategy.
  • Create an engaging text with a complementary image

If you follow these steps, you will find a great way to find more customers for your business, But you need to be careful not to spend too much if it is the first time you create a strategy of this kind. 

You can also have a team of experts take care of the whole process, from the creation of your Business Page to the setup part of the ADS campaign. This can really benefit you if you don’t really have experience in the paid media business.

Do you need help? Then contact us!

What is the best way to advertise my cleaning business?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as you need to consider:

  • Your budget.
  • Your objectives.
  • Your available channels.
  • The type of clients you want to attract with your strategy.

Once you have figured out these questions, you then study how you approach them in an easy manner so you can invest in the channel that will most effectively attract the clients you want for your business.

Samuel Klein & Cleaning in Motion Present: How to Triple Your Sales by Getting Your Internet Marketing right

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