

No Leads Left Behind: Close More Cleaning Clients. Master the Art of Turning Prospects into Clients

how to get leads for cleaning companies

As you seek to acquire new clients for your commercial cleaning business, you will be presented with a plethora of marketing options. However, succumbing to the temptation of jumping from one tactic to the next before any results are achieved can be a costly mistake, wasting both time and money. Moreover, it can prove challenging to convert leads effectively and extract maximum value from them.

One area we would like to emphasize is that generating leads is only half the battle. The sales representatives must also ensure that each lead is diligently followed up with and receives the appropriate message at the right time, to avoid overlooking valuable prospects. To address this issue, we at Cleaning in Motion have developed the No Leads Left Behind program. Our program is designed to assist our commercial cleaning clients in converting all leads into contracts by thoroughly working on each one until they have either converted or been adequately contacted and ruled out.

Therefore, our program guarantees that no leads will be left behind, and every potential client will be appropriately attended to.

In this article, we delve deeper into the No Leads Left Behind program, explain how it works, and discuss the benefits you can get from signing up for it.

What Is the No Leads Left Behind Program?

The No Leads Left Behind program is designed to create the right message, and deploy it at the right time to the right person. Basically, we will help you capture the right type of leads and nurture them by targeting every step of the sales pipeline. At Cleaning in Motion, we create paid advertising, SMS, email, and local SEO strategies targeting every step of the sales process. The goal is to empower your sales team with the knowledge, tools, and email templates they need to ensure that no lead falls through the cracks.

As the program’s name suggests, we ensure your commercial cleaning company doesn’t lose any valuable leads. We help your team work all leads properly until they convert or are ruled out as a lost cause.

Why Is the No Leads Left Behind Program Important?

Here are some of the benefits you get when you sign up for the program:

1. It Helps You Keep Leads, As They Are Limited and  Expensive to get

Commercial cleaning leads are not unlimited and usually come at a cost. Before you secure leads, you’ll have invested in ads, email campaigns, or local SEO, all of which will cost you time and money.

Furthermore, leads will not always be there. They will disappear if they feel that you’re not treating them with the respect they deserve. The No Leads Left Behind program ensures you don’t lose your hard-earned leads before you can convert them.

2. Maximizing the value of your existing leads

It’s not only about getting new leads but also about making the most out of your existing ones. After all, what would be the point of investing in digital marketing tactics like TikTok ads for cleaning business and website design if you didn’t make the most of your leads?

The program ensures you maximize each lead’s lifetime value by nurturing them throughout the entire sales process. It ensures you have as many touchpoints as possible with your leads to ensure they remain engaged and interested in what you offer. Furthermore, it allows you to increase your profit from existing clients through Specials/Upsell Campaigns.

3. Higher conversion rate

The No Leads Left Behind program will help your commercial cleaning company close more deals. That’s because it takes the guesswork out of lead nurturing, thus resulting in more conversions.

With the program, your sales team can send emails that pack a punch, prompting your leads to learn more about your services or even book an appointment. The high engagement will, in turn, lead to more conversions.

How Does the No Leads Left Behind Program Work?

While it’s vital to follow up on every commercial cleaning lead you get, the leads are too divergent, so you can’t use a single approach plan. That’s why the No Leads Left Behind program consists of nine different email campaigns. Each campaign focuses on delivering the right information to the right people at the right time.

We insist on an email campaign because it’s almost free. And while some people have argued that email marketing is dead, it’s very much alive, backed by 4 billion daily email users. And with an impressive ROI of $36 for every $1, why would you not consider it?

Here is a closer look at our various email campaigns to help you understand how our program can help you get the highest value from every lead in your pipeline.

1. Sale rep templates

The goal of every sales rep is to work smartly and efficiently. This goal is achievable by automating part of the sales process so that your team has time to focus on the most critical tasks. Part of automation includes having an email template that they can use to send emails to prospects who have provided your company with their contact information.

The No Leads Left Behind program includes email templates to do just that. It helps you send a quick message to a new lead and encourage them to get a proposal from your company.

2. Prospecting templates for LinkedIn and cold emails

If you’re a new sales rep or just getting started in building your leads list, prospecting using cold emails and LinkedIn will be one of the most effective ways to do so. We understand that curating an effective cold email can be daunting, so our program offers templates for such emails. The templates ensure you send direct emails without sounding salesy or pushy.

3. Nurturing emails

A nurturing email campaign ensures you keep your leads warm until they convert. The best way to nurture prospects is to send them regular messages to ensure your company remains at the top of their minds. Our nurturing templates ensure that your sales team keeps the emails short and direct to the point to ensure that the prospects get the message.

4. Proposal follow-ups

Most leads in your pipeline need to be followed up on multiple times because they don’t convert immediately after the first meeting or receiving your proposal. In most cases, you will need to follow up with your lead an average of eight times before they convert. It’s easy to give up after the first or second follow-up, probably because you have a lot of other things to do.

That’s why the No Lead Left Behind program provides an automated follow-up campaign. With the program, you’ll have more peace of mind knowing that your leads stay warm and there’s a high possibility that they’ll convert.

5. Reactivation

After focusing on your lead generation efforts for months, you’ll end up with many leads who got your proposal and showed interest in your commercial cleaning services but never took further action. These leads may have gone cold even after you followed them up.

While that’s normal, you shouldn’t give up on them. Remember, they were qualified leads, which is why they probably took their time to talk to you or your team. Our program allows you to launch a reactivation email campaign to get these leads warm again using the right message and approach.

6. Cancellation

Our leads program also helps you get back previous customers who converted but later canceled your services. After all, these are the most qualified leads because they have shown their willingness to work with you in the past.

If you understand why they stopped using your services, you can inform them of the steps you have taken to ensure the issue won’t repeat itself. Our email templates ensure you use the right words and approach to get your former customers back.

7. Reviews

Over 90% of customers read online reviews before purchasing a product or service. This statistic tells you how valuable customer reviews are to your business, especially positive ones.

Our program helps you craft compelling messages to encourage your customers to leave reviews on your website. We will help you keep the message simple while hitting on crucial points, such as thanking the client for choosing you.

8. Specials

One way of growing your commercial cleaning business is by upselling your services to your existing customers. For instance, if you have been offering daycare cleaning services to your client, you can try upselling disinfecting services to them.

The No Lead Left Behind program will help you send special offers to your customers, helping you increase your sales and grow your business. The program will help you upsell without annoying your customers or jeopardizing your relationship.

10. Referrals

Despite the influx of digital marketing options, referrals are still one of the best ways to acquire qualified leads for your commercial cleaning business. Your role is to activate a referral campaign to ensure your clients refer their friends and family to you.

Our program will help you craft effective messages that are more likely to get referrals from your customers. We have a library of referral templates ready, so you don’t have to start from scratch.

Start Leveraging the No Leads Left Behind Program

The No Leads Left Behind program is a cost-effective tool for commercial cleaning businesses that want to get more leads and convert them into cleaning contracts. From helping you automate your follow-up campaigns to making it easy to get back previous customers, you’ll have an easier time growing your business with this program.

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